SPOUT︎︎︎  by Jeremy Kadestsky, Directed by Marisa Conroy

Water, that everlasting, glistening lifeforce… how can we keep the stream going? Sasha, a jaded hiker from someplac sad, asks this question until language is exhausted and the Anthropocene ends. Sasha learns from the water-about precarity and insecurity and one’s responsibilities when in a changed world.

Presented at Sarah Lawrence College, Fall 2022, Cannon Theatre. Photos by Jeremy Kadetsky

Director - Marisa Conroy
Playwright - Jeremy Kadetsky
Stage Manager - Fiona Jennings
Assistant Stage Manager - Jieru Wang
Scenic Designer - Red
Assistant Scenic Designer - Bryelle Burgus
Costume Designer - Genevieve Chiapetta
Lighting Designer - Zee Hanna
Media Designer - Zee Hanna
Sound Designer - Mia Harada

Stream -Ella Baker-Smith
Young Sasha - Eryn Diehl
Thomas - Megan Hamm
Elder Sasha - Maegan Murphy
Only Child - Amari Price-Cotten